Truth about Sleeping with Kids

Here is the deal:

  1. No matter how big your bed is, it will always be crowded because the kids tend to gravitate towards you.
  2. Right when the little ones are about to fall asleep, that is the moment when they want to poo or pee at the same time.  It is like their digestive systems are synced or something.
  3. They will snuggle up to you like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.  Although I have to warn you, numbness on both arms guaranteed.
  4. The best conversations you will ever have with your kids are the ones shared before sleeping time.
  5. Is is when they are fast asleep that your combat training will commence.  Your ninja skills will be put to the test.  You will never know who, when and where the next attack will come.

But at the end of the day, bruises and all, I wouldn’t want it any other way, because I have the best seat in the house:  Right in the middle of my King and my Diva.

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