Picky Eaters: Decoded


First of all, my children are not picky eaters.  I choose to believe that it is because I trained them well  so I am getting  all the credit.  Here are my tips:

  1. Eat what they eat.  If you want them to eat vegetables, then you have to show them that you are eating your broccoli and your carrots too. You gotta walk the walk.
  2. Make a weekly menu so you know what to prepare for the day.  This way you won’t panic and dial pizza delivery when food runs out.
  3. My kids love to eat fruits for snacks like apples, grapes, guavas and  seasonal fruits like  pomelo, nectarine, kiwi and plum.  The trick is,  you have to pre slice them into bite size pieces and leave them in the refrigerator.  If this doesn’t work, sprinkle a pinch of rock salt ( it works all the time!).  Another trick is, my hubby and I will start eating the fruits without offering them, sooner or later, they will start swarming around us out of curiosity and will try to taste the fruits.
  4. Let them help out in the kitchen.  I have proven a fact (disclaimer: based on experience and not a scientific fact) that when kids help out in the kitchen, their minds think that any food they prepare are delicious.  And if not, they still eat it anyway just to save face.
  5. Give them choices (or at least let them believe so).  My kids have to eat what we prepare for them, but they also hate it when they are forced into it.  So I let them choose from my predetermined choices. Never ever let them believe that they have a third option.  Note:  all adults must work as a team, you are up against a tough opponent.  One adorable look, or one bat of an eyelash and yaya might go frying up the canned sausages and spam.  Stick to the plan! Don’t get sucked into their hypnotic gaze. Avoid eye contact if you must…. Don’t let the kids breakdown the foundation you have painstakingly built.
  6. Color makes them happy. Decorate, add some color, and be creative when serving their dishes.
  7. if all else fails, then unlock the vaults and get your secret weapons, or secret sauces.  My son hates bola bola (meatballs) when he was just 2 years old. He even made a poem declaring his hatred for this viand.

Ang bola bola


Ang bola bola

na luto ni Kikay

Ayaw na ni Levi

But believe it or not, he eats them now with love and gusto. Here are my best bets: Aristocrat java sauce, homemade honey mustard sauce, Jack Daniel’s barbeque sauce, Ma Hu or pork floss, and of course, the ever reliable banana ketchup.

Be patient, be creative and be consistent.  It only takes a dash of color, a sprinkle of love and your kids will enjoy eating in no time.  Good luck!

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