Circle of Moms

Parenting can be hard if you do it alone but you don’t have to! No man is an island. Surround yourself with a circle of moms, life will surely be easier.  Ask questions from the experts, co-parents you meet in school or the war veterans (moms, titas and lolas). Find out what their techniques are,…

Big Little Kids

Responsibility is the key to empowerment.  As early as the age of three, kids should start doing chores like simple sweeping, or putting their dishes in the sink. Give them some independence. Let them order their own food. Let them pay for their own toys (by this I mean hand them the money and not…

Accepting Their Greatness

If there is one lesson in life that I have learned, it is that we are all great, and we can do great things.  You don’t need to search for it; you don’t have to find it;  you don’t even have to spend a lifetime wishing for opportunities to come to you.  Your GREATNESS comes from…

OC Moms Unite

You are an OC mom if you are  guilty of the following: You have a hand sanitizer / alcohol inside your bag, your children’s bag and on your yaya’s pocket. You label everything your child owns. Your bag never runs out of snacks and candies. your bag contains some or all of the following:  …

Top 10 Easy Peasy Activities at Home

Here are my top 10 activities we play at home : Blow some bubbles. This I know for sure:  any child or adult, no matter the age, who plays with bubbles will certainly bring smiles to their faces. Hide n seek.  The most popular game in our home. Build and destroy blocks.  Build a tower, then smash…