Circle of Moms

Parenting can be hard if you do it alone but you don’t have to! No man is an island. Surround yourself with a circle of moms, life will surely be easier.  Ask questions from the experts, co-parents you meet in school or the war veterans (moms, titas and lolas). Find out what their techniques are, life hacks and tips.  There are so many information you can get from them and they are for free!  All you need to do is ask.  This is my circle:

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Having 5 daughters and 2 sons makes my mom the All Knowing Mom.  Ask her anything about parenting and she will have an answer.  Growing up, my mom and I don’t see each other eye to eye.  We argue a lot even about the littlest things, we fight a lot.  Everything changed when I became a mother, the first night my son came home from the hospital, he cried for hours! I didn’t realize that breastfeeding was so hard!  I called her up and apologized for everything, This is the lesson I learned when I came full circle.

My mom is a ball of happiness. She laughs a lot, she exudes so much positivity it is actually quite infectious.  Every time I have a problem, one conversation with her makes me feel so much better.

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The eldest sister is our resident physical therapist, and our spiritual therapist.  Even with all the problems she has faced, never once did I ever hear her complain, or whine.  She learns to accept the challenges she is faced with through healing.  She transcended to a whole new level of knowledge and spirituality I cannot comprehend.

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The second sister is probably the most relaxed parent I know, she is my exact opposite, she is my enabler.  Her parenting style is not authoritative.  She gives her kids independence allowing them to be creative and self expressive.  She is never forceful, nor nagging but rather encouraging and inspiring.  I believe that children’s dispositions are simply reflections of their parents’ inherent qualities.

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The fourth sister in the family is the smartest, craftiest among us I believe. She can give Martha Stewart a run for her money. She can cross stitch, make a doll out of yarn, paper mache , bead stitch, shredded paper art and so much more.  Kids love her because she is a veterinarian so she knows everything about animals and has lots of pets.

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I salute my sister-in-law and consider her a warrior mom because she had a complicated delivery and went through a lot to have her baby.  I could not even fathom how she felt, and what she was thinking during those crucial moments in her life, and that I believe deserves a medal of honor.  Some had it easy, but others need to move mountains to have a child, life’s funny way of playing tricks on us I guess.  We as parents are willing to sacrifice anything for our children, we will do anything for our children, and our maternal instincts kick in when danger starts lurking.  That is unconditional love at its finest.

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I am the third sister in our huge family and I am a perfect mom.  What I mean by becoming a perfect mom means striving to be the best version of myself for my children.  To be perfectly imperfect.  I try to be the best mom for my children by absorbing everything, learning everything, attending seminars, reading books about parenting and most of all, learning from my mistakes.  Being a mom is such a huge responsibility and I don’t want to mess this up.

I am lucky to be surrounded with my best friends in this amazing journey of motherhood.    Do you have your circle of moms?  Join us!

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