The Only Toys Your Child will ever Need

Even before my first child was born, toys and gifts from his baby shower await his arrival.  My son would receive a million gifts from family, friends and classmates.  He is lucky to receive birthday gifts, graduation gifts, Christmas gifts, and even gifts for doing good deeds. Guilty as I may be, I have come to realize that showering my child with gifts is actually detrimental to my wallet and to his development as well.  He has taken the value of gift for granted, and he gets bored easily.  Fast forward to my second child, I have learned from my mistakes and adapted a more simplistic/ practical  approach.  Here are the only toys any child would need growing up.


Promotes hand- eye coordination, as well as improves gross motor skills which develops muscles that will help your child through his milestones.


Playing blocks allow your child to develop his proprioception which is the sense of position of self and of the relative position of neighboring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement.  You might think that children are clumsy but actually, they just need to exercise and develop the spatial awareness of their body with the toys or things surrounding them.


I haven’t met anyone ever, adult or child who played with bubbles and not put a smile on their faces. Its quite puzzling but true.  Of course, bubbles improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, visual tracking skills but really the most important benefit of bubbles is it makes everyone happy.


Reading books keep your kids’ brain young and healthy, increase their vocabulary, improve memory, calm your children  and improve focus and concentration.

downloadMusical Instruments

Never underestimate the power of music in a child’s life.  I enrolled both my children in Kindermusik which is an early education program through the universal language of music and what a great difference it did to them.  Improves their social skills, cognitive and mental development.

downloadArt Materials

Last and the most important of all, draw out the Picasso in them by spoiling them with crayons, markers, paint, colored dough, glue, and paper.  Let their imagination take them to wherever they want to go, and allow them to express themselves through their drawings and experiments.


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