Band of Mothers

As I was eating breakfast with my co-parents, I suddenly had an epiphany!   What an honor for me to be in the league of these super mommies, all of which have their own heroic stories to tell,  proudly wearing their badges of accomplishments and flaunting their battle scars.  To be able to fight side by side in our greatest battle is truly a privilege.  I am lucky.

My friends and I may seem to be laughing all the time not having a care for the world but in reality, we have our own problems, we have our dramas in life but we CHOOSE to LIFT each other up, SUPPORT one another, SHARE our life lessons, LISTEN to our stories no matter how mundane it may be.   Our conversations encompass all aspects of life from dirty laundry to dirty jokes, even religion, philosophy and husband problems. But it won’t be complete without a dash of comedy, a sprinkle of drama and throw in some science fiction and fantasy too.  Isn’t it nice to have friends who accept you for who you are, even with your imperfections, and your corny jokes (thank God mine did!)  oh and my PUNNY jokes…  get it???

Before my son transferred to big school, I promised myself to not get caught up with mommy drama.  Having heard horrible stories of moms destroying other moms’ reputations, gossips here and there… I mean really???  This isn’t high school anymore. NO DRAMA = HAPPY MAMA.  I choose to have one or two friends who are true to me rather than have a bunch of fair-weathered friends.

c20a2221cc2eda66004be6e80a704bd5--angry-emoji-very-angry Be wary of moms who size you up by the bag you carry, or the brand of clothes that you wear.

c20a2221cc2eda66004be6e80a704bd5--angry-emoji-very-angry Be wary of moms who are hot and cold, sometimes they talk to you, sometimes not.

c20a2221cc2eda66004be6e80a704bd5--angry-emoji-very-angry Don’t get caught up with what’s “uso” or in fashion, and don’t  keep up with the Joneses.  Just be yourself.  Visualize yourself as a magnet, let them come to you.

Truth be told, it is easy to find true friends, just trust your gut feel and if that person makes you happy then go for it, open yourself to new friendships.  Time always reveals ones true color.  I believe  we encounter people for a reason, he is either a lesson or a blessing and friends are our lives’ blessing to make it more meaningful and fun.


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