Embracing Motherhood: This Will Change Your Life

I have been wearing the Mommy Badge since 2011, I have a six year old son who is so smart and witty and a four year old daughter who is so adorable and has her own funny personality.  So far, I feel I have been doing a great job so I am giving myself a pat on the back!  Here are some of the things I have learned so far:


downloadMy Body will Change Forever

Do not expect your size or weight to go back to your pre-pregnancy status EVER. I feel that my metabolism have slowed down a bit, I have become heavier ( by at least 10 pounds) even if I feel my pre-pregnancy clothes still fit me. I have a constant backache too, from carrying the kids so exercise is a must!

downloadI Can Easily Adapt to Change

I remember the time when I have my schedule all figured out but my son’s practice was cancelled and I have to pick him up instead?  or when I feel like a walking zombie because my daughter cried the whole night and I have a very important meeting the following morning ?  No problem, bring it on!  We do what we have to do despite of all the challenges thrown at us.  I have learned to accept change, regroup and adjust!  Maybe because I don’t have the time and energy to process my emotions anymore?  But life keeps on moving forward, the sooner we pick ourselves up from a fall, the sooner we survive! And come to think of it, everything falls into place and everything works out in the end.  Sometimes, there is a silver lining too, change can usher in new opportunities, new inspiration, and new friends when you least expect it.

downloadI Have Extremely Lowered my Expectations

The sooner you accept this statement the better.  Picture this, our date nights have evolved from dinner dates, movie dates, to drinking at home picnic style on the kids’ folding table.   We do what we can with our limited time, with what remaining energy we have left and the scarcity of our resources.   Happiness is a choice!  A friend told me that she drinks wine from a paper cup!  Such is life!

downloadI Know that I Don’t Know

If studying a profession, be it a lawyer, architect, or a doctor  means studying college for four years to ten years, motherhood takes a lifetime to study.  You never stop learning and reading about it because it is a CONTINUING EDUCATION on the different stages of the kids’ childhood.

Never ever think that you possess all the knowledge and the kids are just there to listen to you.  I have come to realize that I have learned so much more about myself and motherhood in general from the kids!  It is a two way thing and we learn about each other as we progress in the different stages of motherhood.

downloadI Don’t Care What Other People Say

As a new mom, I have a tendency to doubt myself,  ” why is my son not walking at 11 months”  ” why is my son crying all the time”  ” why doesn’t my daughter sleep through the night”  I compare my kid to other kids all the time!

But I have come to a point that comparing gets too tiring and stressful! I am putting too much pressure at myself.  I have this feeling that I am always being chased or I am always chasing someone, but this is not a race!  Each child has his own pace and I just have to listen to my gut feel.  I have learned to let go. They are ready when they are ready.  Just trust that your child can do it and surrender!  Do not listen to what other people might say, let it enter to one ear and out to the other.  Who cares!  as long as I  feel that  I am doing the best that I can, then I am happy and content.

downloadI Have A Clearer Purpose in Life

Never in my life did I fathom that a mother’s heart can have the capacity to love as much as we love their children.  I can’t wrap my head around the fact that it is possible for us to feel immeasurable joy that the kids bring to our lives.  It is truly a blessing and an honor to be given the opportunity to nurture those tiny little hands.  And believe me, there is nothing we can’t do for them.  I feel that I have learned so much, I can achieve more, and that the things that I thought were important before are not really important anymore…. I have a clearer vision of what I want to become, and what I wanted to achieve in my life so that my children can be proud of me.

downloadI Will No Longer Sleep for the Rest of My Life


This comic strip I got from Pinterest certainly embodies my sentiment.   I think sleep will elude us for the rest of our lives or until the kids become adults.  I am not so sure….. but Challenge accepted!  because the rewards and the sacrifices we make are so worth it when we see them grow up to be good, responsible and happy kids!


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