Do your kids hate baths?   Bath times can be bad times for them because I take them away from their “busy” or “hectic” schedule of playing.  Our bath time routine is shower in the morning after breakfast and another shower in the afternoon right before dinner.    So I have to think of ways to make bath time real fun for them.

I dropped by LUSH to buy some bath bombs as promised to my little kids if they behave well on our trip but I was hypnotized by the plethora of shower delights luring me in.  I have learned that you can actually level up the kids’ bathtub experience my mixing and matching their products to produce a  bath cocktail!

  1. bath bomb to color the water and for the fizzy effect,  our favorites are:sakura
  2. bath melts that literally look like butter that melts in the bathtub  to moisturize the skin,   my favorite is the MMMelting marshmallow moment.melts
  3. and the bubble bar to produce heaps of bubbles for that truly luxurious bath.  I use the FUN multipurpose bar for this, see next post…

Let me tell you, my kids never smelled better.  The essential oils really helped them feel so  relaxed that they slept well right after their baths.

I have been Lushed!  I truly love what the company stands for,  and their commitment to everything handmade.





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