Aloe Vera Sensory Play

Our aloe vera plants just sit outside the garden for years, it took a while but I finally introduced them to the kids. This green cactus-like succulent plant is known for its powerful healing properties. It soothes and cools our skin from sunburns, it also moisturizes our hair and scalp to prevent falling hair. I…

Bath Jellies

Bath Jellies We are crazy about these bath jellies, and they are so easy to make. This is also a great way of encouraging the kids to wash their hands. The kids now wash their hands regularly and they take their baths longer than usual playing with these jellies. Ingredients: 3 tsp Ferna gelatine powder…

DIY Hand Sanitizer

  We spent the whole afternoon concocting our own disinfectant sprays to share with family and friends. Hand Sanitizer Recipe: orange peel 3 tbsp of aloe vera 10 drops peppermint essential oil 70% isopropyl alcohol Instructions: Put orange peel inside the clear bottle, then before putting in the fresh aloe vera, run it through the…

How to Make Slime Without Glue

We ran out of glue from all the rainbow slimes that we made, we searched for a recipe steering away from glue of course. This slime turned out to be better than the regular slime , here is our recipe: 1/2 cup cornstarch. 1/2 cup flour. And dishwashing liquid. Mix the dry ingredients then slowly…

Lockdown Days of the Week

Kids need structure in their lives especially during the lockdown period where days seem to pass by like a blur. Even I get confused sometimes what day is it already. Daily routine provides consistency and a sense of security. It organizes their brain and compartmentalizes them into sections. Children learn from these schedules, they gain…

Cloud Dough

Cloud dough is a homemade mixture using only TWO basic ingredients: ✔️flour ✔️oil This highly sensory play stimulates fine motor skills and develops tactile and proprioceptive sense important for our kids’ development. This is also a great stress release for parents, it functions as a stress ball 🤣. Caution: may get really messy.