Clay Art

We had so much fun making artwork using clay as our medium this time from @klaypel . Of course we were ambitious and got the biggest sizešŸ˜‚ in different designs. We started getting busy by using two sticks and made ā€œtusok tusokā€ the clay to mold them into the wood board. There was a learning…

Fuzzy Wire Art

Fuzzy Wires. Fuzzy Sticks. Pipe Cleaners. These are inexpensive bendable wires that can be crafted into different kinds of shapes, animals, ornaments, and accessories. We use them to spell out words, make crystals with Borax, add beads or popsicle sticks to make flowers, animals and Christmas decorations. Fuzzy wire art is an open-ended play where…

Quill Art

One of my favorite destressing activity while watching TV at night: Quill Art or Paper Filigree. This art form uses strips of colorful paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create beautiful designs.

Glue Resist Art

Glue resist art project for kids is a great way to add texture into your kidsā€™ artwork. Just squeeze out glue to make patterns or outline the design that you want to make. Let it completely dry for about 3-4 hours then paint the canvas.Watch how the glue resists to absorb the paint, letting the…


Mipao or Chinese Jackstones literally translates to Mi = riceBao = bag or package Mipao resonates the sound of my childhood memories. My sisters and I used to play all day everyday. Thanks to my genetically huge hands and highly competitive spirit, we would go head to head with our friends and neighbors and win…

Bath Bomb!

Bath bomb is one of our favorite bath time activities because we are huge fans of LUSH bath bombs especially their Intergalactic scent but since they are so expensive, we make our own every now and then. The kids love customizing their own bath bombs. They choose their favorite scents and pick their surprise toy…

Leaf Art

Unleashing the potential of these leaves trimmings and interpreting them into different possibilities.

Dad Rocks

Painting rocks for all the dads who rock!Rock art is the earliest form of creativity and expression of the human mind. Think cave men drawing and painting prehistoric art on cave walls.

Big Box Fort

Our big box fort is by far our longest project to date. Not because it took us a long time to finish it but because every time I try to complete the project, the little ones would inhabit the fort making it impossible for me to finish it, but at least I got to finish…

Puni Art

Puni Art. The art of folding palm or coconut leaves and turning them into functional or aesthetic purposes. Using a frond of palm, we made these cute fishes including its rod. The kids had fun casting the line over and over again.

Glow in the Dark Milk Experiment

Who has a UV wand lying around the house to sanitize anything and everything? Why not use your UV light @uvcare for something fun with the kids too. Materials: UV wand Milk Neon coloring Dish soap Plates Cotton buds Experiment: Pour milk into the plate. Drop neon colors at the center of the plate. Turn…

Peep Box

Taking storytelling to a different level with our Castle Peep Box. Materials: Milk box Flashlight Tiny toys glued to BBQ sticks 3D background Peeking into the box is a feast for the eyes. The flashlight highlights the glitters of the castle, the shadows dance with the light and the characters start to come alive. Storytelling…