How to Turn Your Kids into Little Plant Babies

The current pandemic has transformed many of us into modern day plantitos and plantitas as evident in social media posts, and abundant planting supplies available in the market. Rightfully so, because in a world so consumed by instant gratification, we tend to forget the most basic skill: Survival. Different types of services like salons for…

Flying Rocket

Here is an easy origami rocket that flies up in the sky with the use of straws. You may use aluminum foil to make the rocket. The kids had a blast (pun intended). Naturally, a competition ensued as everyone wanted to propel the rocket as high as possible.

Halloween Secret Message

Check out this fun Halloween activity you can do with the little ones.Halloween Secret Message. Materials you need: Baking tray Drinking Glass Paint Water Draw or write down your secret message on a sheet of paper. Put the baking tray on top of the drawing. Pour water, and put paint to cover the secret message….

Scary Scavenger Hunt

Halloween is undoubtedly one of my kids’ favorite event because it is the time of the year where they get to wear costumes, run around the neighborhood with their cousins and get lots of treats in the process. Halloween has F-U-N written all over it. This year is different. There will be no trick or…

Hello Slinky

Guess how many times we dropped the Slinky down the stairs so far… I mean, who doesn’t love Slinky?For me, this is one of the best toys ever made. Oh and I am not talking about those cheap rainbow ones from Divisoria, where the Slinky gets all tangled up the second we open them.Slinky is…

Pick Up Sticks

Pick up sticks is a classic game that brings me back to my childhood.To play the game, a bunch of sticks are dropped on the floor then each player takes his turn to remove the sticks one at a time from the pile without moving the other sticks. Each stick corresponds to points depending on…

Tangram Night

How many brains does it take to solve a tangram?The tangram is a geometric puzzle that will rack your brain for hours. It consists of seven flat polygons, called tans. The main objective of this addicting game is to replicate the pattern found in a puzzle card using all seven pieces.Sounds easy? As it turned…


Mipao or Chinese Jackstones literally translates to Mi = riceBao = bag or package Mipao resonates the sound of my childhood memories. My sisters and I used to play all day everyday. Thanks to my genetically huge hands and highly competitive spirit, we would go head to head with our friends and neighbors and win…

Acid vs Base

As a follow up to our bath bomb activity, we explored more about acids and bases. With some stroke of luck, I discovered litmus paper in my daughter’s drawer. Litmus paper is an indicative tool to test whether a substance is an acid or base. Simply dip the strip of paper in the solution and…

Rubberband Gun

My son has all kinds of guns but the simplest one is his favorite: Rubberband Gun. Remember this?

Slime Bubbles

Life is so much better with slime. Slime bubbles this time using air pump to inflate our slime. A major throwback to the plastic balloon we used to play with back in the day.

Ice Hockey

Two spoons, a tray, an ice and a dash of imagination equalsa whole lot of F-U-N. I wondered why the kids keep checking our freezer, turns out they were trying to make giant ice for their water bottle, but decided to play ice hockey instead.