String of Hearts

When art imitates life…We made these strings of paper hearts which is an unexpected surprise in our garden. I love the play of colors against these real strings of hearts and turtles.

How to Turn Your Kids into Little Plant Babies

The current pandemic has transformed many of us into modern day plantitos and plantitas as evident in social media posts, and abundant planting supplies available in the market. Rightfully so, because in a world so consumed by instant gratification, we tend to forget the most basic skill: Survival. Different types of services like salons for…

Squid Rings and Onion Rings

We made some really good squid rings and onion rings using the usual three-step breading technique:dredge in flour,dip in egg andcoat in bread crumbs.My daughter loved the squid rings so much. While my son, who is averse to seafood, had onion rings. Everybody happy.

Our Top 10 Japanese Snacks

These are our top 10 favorite Japanese snacks, hope you like them! 10. Tohato Caramel corn: The caramel-flovored corn puff goodness comes with peanuts, watch out for kids whod have peanut allergy like my son, but my daughter loves them so much! 9. Bourbon Elise: Theses are crispy wafers in round stick shape filled with…

Jump and Bounce Trampoline

I have to admit, the kids had more than their fair share of screen time these past few days. So, I installed a trampoline right in front of the TV.Trampoline has many health benefits: it increases bone density, circulation, digestive health. It also improves posture balance, and coordination. The best part is it brings lots…

I Need You

During my time apart from my kids ( check my previous post) , we communicated constantly via Facetime, my daughter even wrote a note to me that said “I NEED YOU.” I cried. They sent messages and videos everyday. We played games like UNO cards, Barbie, LOL dolls, and memory game. I explained to my…

Water Slide: Marble Run

Did you know that it takes my daughter at least 30 minutes-1 hour just to take a bath everyday?The culprit: WATERSLIDE Marble Run. An interactive water exploration play which embraces the key concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math(STEAM) learning. The kit includes 21 different pieces that work together so kids can build their…

My Covid Scare

It all began when members of the family started getting sick. I immediately separated my kids from them to minimize exposure. After a few days, my nightmare began when I too began to have a headache and felt feverish for a day. I decided to isolate myself from my kids. Do I have COVID? Rapid…

Acid vs Base

As a follow up to our bath bomb activity, we explored more about acids and bases. With some stroke of luck, I discovered litmus paper in my daughter’s drawer. Litmus paper is an indicative tool to test whether a substance is an acid or base. Simply dip the strip of paper in the solution and…

Homeschool Organization Ideas

We, parents, will face the greatest challenge of our lives in the following months, what better way to prepare and equip ourselves of the impending doom with these following tips: 1. Find a suitable spot. I have claimed our music room as our new classroom. My son and daughter will each have their own station….

Lockdown Days of the Week

Kids need structure in their lives especially during the lockdown period where days seem to pass by like a blur. Even I get confused sometimes what day is it already. Daily routine provides consistency and a sense of security. It organizes their brain and compartmentalizes them into sections. Children learn from these schedules, they gain…

Domesticating Kids

  I believe that  we don’t meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our paths for two reasons:  they are either a blessing or a lesson.  One of my kids’ greatest blessing is their yaya.  She takes good care  of them, sincerely love them and teach them the ways of the wild that…