Airport Entertainment: Rush Hour

Waiting in the airport can be challenging with kids.  I don’t like to leave them in the germ infested kids playground,  I veer them away from the bookstore and toy store because we end up buying things/food we don’t really need and as much as possible, I don’t like them to play my Iphone, umm…….

Anger Management: 5 Tips to Tame the Little Monsters

Some tips and lessons I have learned about dealing with children’s anger. Separate Anger with Love. I notice that every time my daughter gets mad, she says ” I don’t love you anymore”  She associates Love with Anger, but they do not go hand in hand.  I let her visualize that love and anger are…

PopSockets Rule!

One of the things that make my life easier is Popsockets!  I am guilty of spending so much time on my cellphone that the muscles on my hand is starting to atrophy, (ok ok,  I am exaggerating, but you get the picture).  I have tried I Ring, and other accessories similar but nothing seem to…

Magnetic Shoelaces: Must Buy!

  The most common problem with wearing rubber shoes is the shoelace always comes undone.  Like even if you tie it in the most secure and intricate way, my child still manages to untie them.  This is undeniably their hidden talent. I am so glad I discovered these MAGNETIC SHOELACES! ( bought from my friend.)…

Band of Mothers

As I was eating breakfast with my co-parents, I suddenly had an epiphany!   What an honor for me to be in the league of these super mommies, all of which have their own heroic stories to tell,  proudly wearing their badges of accomplishments and flaunting their battle scars.  To be able to fight side…

The Only Toys Your Child will ever Need

Even before my first child was born, toys and gifts from his baby shower await his arrival.  My son would receive a million gifts from family, friends and classmates.  He is lucky to receive birthday gifts, graduation gifts, Christmas gifts, and even gifts for doing good deeds. Guilty as I may be, I have come…

Travel Destination: Guam

Traveling to Guam has been my family’s go to destination lately.  I know I know, you might be rather skeptical about going to Guam because there is nothing to do there, but I am about to prove you wrong.  Give this tiny little island a chance and you will be surprised with what’s in store…

Travel Destination: Guam Itinerary

Hope our itinerary helps you plan your stay in Guam , have a Guamazing trip! Day 1  April 11, 2017  Tuesday 9: 55am        Depart Manila 3:45 pm        Arrive in Guam Rent a car in Budget Cars,( better to reserve before you arrive to make sure that your preferred car is available upon arrival)…

Travel Destination: Hong Kong Disneyland Tips on Getting Around the Park

Tips on Getting Around the Park: What to wear:  Wear bright colored shirts for easy identification, I wore neon pink, my husband wore orange, my son wore bright green but my daughter  cannot be bothered with wearing anything other than her princess outfits. Restaurants do fill up very quickly so it is imperative that you…

Travel Destination: Hong Kong Disneyland Shopping Tips

SHOPPING TIPS: First things first: Head on over to Celebrity Gifts which is the hotel’s gift shop conveniently located right beside the lobby of Hong Kong Hollywood Hotel.  Go straight to the back of the store where all discounted items are displayed.  If you buy 2 items you get 50% off, get 4 items and…

Travel Destination: Hong Kong Disneyland Hollywood Hotel

Tips when staying at the Hong Kong Disney Hollywood Hotel: Transportation:  I recommend taking a taxi from the airport especially when traveling with kids.  Maximum capacity is for 5 people but you need to inform the guy in the taxi stand because some taxis only seat 4 people.  The damage is about HK$130 but you…

Coughs and Colds: My Front Line of Defense

“The best defense is a good offense” A mom’s world turns upside down when their kids get sick. The trauma both emotionally, and physically is just too daunting for all parents that is why I choose a more proactive approach to battling these nasty viruses.