How to Turn Your Kids into Little Plant Babies

The current pandemic has transformed many of us into modern day plantitos and plantitas as evident in social media posts, and abundant planting supplies available in the market. Rightfully so, because in a world so consumed by instant gratification, we tend to forget the most basic skill: Survival. Different types of services like salons for…

I Need You

During my time apart from my kids ( check my previous post) , we communicated constantly via Facetime, my daughter even wrote a note to me that said “I NEED YOU.” I cried. They sent messages and videos everyday. We played games like UNO cards, Barbie, LOL dolls, and memory game. I explained to my…

My Covid Scare

It all began when members of the family started getting sick. I immediately separated my kids from them to minimize exposure. After a few days, my nightmare began when I too began to have a headache and felt feverish for a day. I decided to isolate myself from my kids. Do I have COVID? Rapid…

Acid vs Base

As a follow up to our bath bomb activity, we explored more about acids and bases. With some stroke of luck, I discovered litmus paper in my daughter’s drawer. Litmus paper is an indicative tool to test whether a substance is an acid or base. Simply dip the strip of paper in the solution and…

The Breastfeeding Glitch

THE BREASTFEEDING Glitch   Before I start, allow me to give you a little background about myself. I am a mother of two:  one boy who is already seven years old, and the second one is a princess who is five years of age.   My first breastfeeding experience was a really bumpy one to…

Ten Curly Commandments

A big shout out to all the curly-haired girls who struggle everyday!  May our days be filled with tamed curls and good hair days.

MOM: A Reflection

I am guilty of:   wanting to change a person   controlling what the kids like and don’t like   sensitive and emotional   Love is difficult , love is hard.. it involves commitment even when the going gets tough.  It is not about controlling, or wanting or changing but rather about letting go, learning, listening understanding,  and accepting….

Aging: Lower Back Pain

I was pregnant with my first child, when I started feeling pain in my lower back.  I thought it would go away as soon as I gave birth and so I simply ignored it.  Fast forward to my breastfeeding days where I would leave my shirt up at night to feed my child, thus exposing…

Embracing Motherhood: This Will Change Your Life

I have been wearing the Mommy Badge since 2011, I have a six year old son who is so smart and witty and a four year old daughter who is so adorable and has her own funny personality.  So far, I feel I have been doing a great job so I am giving myself a…

It is Always Mom’s Fault!

“Mom, why is my hair curly?” “Mom, why do I have high cholesterol?” “Mom, why do I have ugly feet?” As I look back to my childhood,   I blamed all my flaws, regrets and mistakes to my mom.   It may sound cruel and unfair, but to me, it was always her fault!  I…

Secret Unlocked: How to Stop Kids from Fighting

Bored kids + Nothing to do = A whole lot of fighting! So I have a theory, when kids get bored, they tend to fight…. a lot!  They use their pent-up energy and direct it towards their siblings, thus the taunting and teasing but when they are doing a fun activity, they seem to be…

Anger Management: 5 Tips to Tame the Little Monsters

Some tips and lessons I have learned about dealing with children’s anger. Separate Anger with Love. I notice that every time my daughter gets mad, she says ” I don’t love you anymore”  She associates Love with Anger, but they do not go hand in hand.  I let her visualize that love and anger are…