String of Hearts

When art imitates life…We made these strings of paper hearts which is an unexpected surprise in our garden. I love the play of colors against these real strings of hearts and turtles.

String Art

Here’s a fun activity to put everyone in a cheery holiday mood.STRING ART using reclaimed wood, nails and some colorful string. String art adds complexity and personality to any project. All you need are some nails , string, a piece of wood and weave away! Oh! Check out the nails in the photo, I love…

Honey Slime

Honey has always been linked to tons of health benefits: it improves heart health, heals wounds, and it is a really good source of antioxidants . I use honey with my tea and the kids eat a spoonful of it everyday. Today, we used honey to make honey slime.Ingredients: Honey Cornstarch Oil Heat the honey…

How to Turn Your Kids into Little Plant Babies

The current pandemic has transformed many of us into modern day plantitos and plantitas as evident in social media posts, and abundant planting supplies available in the market. Rightfully so, because in a world so consumed by instant gratification, we tend to forget the most basic skill: Survival. Different types of services like salons for…

Fun Bubble Activities

Playing with bubbles is one of our absolute favorite activity albeit the aftermath can be very messy, sticky and slippery.Here are some of our favorite activities : Bubble painting: add a few drops of color and blow bubbles on a sheet of paper. Karate Pop bubbles using different body parts. Make giant bubbles using a…

Curly Christmas

3D Quill ArtWe had fun curling strips of colored paper and decorating tissue rolls to create these cute Christmas trees.Hope you like it!

Squid Rings and Onion Rings

We made some really good squid rings and onion rings using the usual three-step breading technique:dredge in flour,dip in egg andcoat in bread crumbs.My daughter loved the squid rings so much. While my son, who is averse to seafood, had onion rings. Everybody happy.

Tricks and Treats

Today is all about magic tricks and candy treats. Have a great weekend ahead.

Pumpkin Play

It is our first time to carve a pumpkin today.The kids had a blast squishing, smushing, and segregating the seeds from the pumpkin, a messy and fun sensory play for sure. What do you think?

Graffiti Art

Minimum effort, maximum reward:Sharing an easy mom hack I picked up since they were little. I let the kids paint inside the shower using washable paint. The kids have so much fun, and clean up is so easy.

Flying Rocket

Here is an easy origami rocket that flies up in the sky with the use of straws. You may use aluminum foil to make the rocket. The kids had a blast (pun intended). Naturally, a competition ensued as everyone wanted to propel the rocket as high as possible.

Halloween Secret Message

Check out this fun Halloween activity you can do with the little ones.Halloween Secret Message. Materials you need: Baking tray Drinking Glass Paint Water Draw or write down your secret message on a sheet of paper. Put the baking tray on top of the drawing. Pour water, and put paint to cover the secret message….